Our Projects
Sperm Whale Project
In Sri Lanka sperm whales are found throughout the islands territorial waters, in small pods of 1 to 15 individuals, with the occasional pod of 30 or more individuals being recorded from the northeast, southern and northwestern coastal waters.
Dugong and Sea Grass Project
Dugong dugon, commonly known as “Muhudu Ura” in Sinhala, is one of the most threatened, if not the most threatened species in Sri Lanka.
Numbers have marked a dramatic and alarming decrease in Sri Lankan waters
Mygalomorph Spiders
Mygalomorph Spiders in Sri Lanka are facing severe threats due to habitat loss, and collection for pet trade. There has been no systematic effort to understand mygalomorph diversity of the country in the past.
Sloth Bear Project
The Sri Lankan sloth bear Melursus ursinus inornatus, (Show & Nodder, 1791) is Sri Lankas only surviving native Ursidae and is currently classified as Locally Endangered (MOE) and Globally Vulnerable (IUCN).